Quality Online PreK-12 Speech Therapy

Effective and affordable therapy your students will love,
no matter where they are.

Efficient and Flexible

Without the need to travel to each location, we can treat students across multiple schools in your district on any given day and adjust as your caseloads change.

Better Student Outcomes

Our high-intensity model results in improved retention between sessions and a greater dismissal rate—around 30%. That means better outcomes for your students and a smaller caseload for your district.

Cost-effective and Convenient

Forget about recruiting and onboarding speech therapists. Our flexible contracts save you time and money by allowing you to quickly ramp up or dial down services without the hassle.

Certified Speech Therapist In Class Child At Desk Online Speech Therapy Session
Child With Headphones Waving At Laptop

Managing your special education programs doesn’t have to be hard

Are you struggling with…

  • Finding experienced, certified speech therapists?
  • Extended staff absences for personal or medical reasons?
  • Finding specialists for students with special needs?
  • Your caseload growing too large to handle?
  • Incomplete or missing IEP documentation?

The Integrated Difference

What separates us from other teletherapy providers?

A Full Service Solution

We handle 100% of the documentation, billing, intervention, IEP meetings, and case management needs for our assigned caseload, leaving no mess for your staff to clean up.

A Personal Touch

We care about each and every student we treat, and we get to know them personally. The comfort and trust that we build with students directly contributes to their success.

Total Transparency

We welcome parents and teachers to observe therapy sessions and see for themselves the quality of the care we provide.

Remote Speech Therapist Looking At Laptop

How to streamline your caseload & stay in IEP compliance:

1. Schedule a call

We start by discussing your district’s speech therapy needs and goals. Together we’ll create a customized service plan.

2. Initial meeting and setup

We visit your schools to meet with you and your personnel and to set up our computers.

3. We take care of everything

Facilitators take students from classrooms to the speech room and get them on the computer. We take it from there!

Overcome regional limitations and staffing challenges with teletherapy

Finding a qualified speech therapist in your school district is a time-consuming and difficult task, especially in rural areas. And sometimes all you need is just a little extra help to get your caseload back down to a manageable size or to cover short term staff leaves. That’s where we come in.

We offer flexible speech teletherapy services to meet your needs, wherever you are and for however long you need us. No recruiting, no onboarding, and no year-long commitments.

Using teletherapy we provide the same quality speech therapy that students would normally receive in person, only it’s delivered via webcam and microphone. We recognize that being 100% remote is not going to succeed in all situations, however, so we make sure to have at least one therapist in your area to meet with you and your teachers in person and periodically provide in-person services.

Get started today with a no-obligation consultation!

Stop wasting time on staffing challenges. Give your students top quality speech therapy while increasing dismissal rates to 30-50% per school year.

Get a Consultation